07 Apr 2017
3 commentaires
Maintenant, je sais que vous aimeriez tous être en France maintenant pour assister à ces émissions... Et si ce n'est pas le cas, voici quelque chose pour vous.
Nous lançons cette série super limitée de T-shirts originaux FRIENDS & FAMILY et YEAR OF THE CYCOS 2008 TOUR CREW NECKS !
FRIENDS & FAMILY est sorti à l'automne 1997 comme premier album après les retrouvailles du groupe. Ce t-shirt original a été produit pour soutenir le disque et n'a JAMAIS été disponible à nouveau... jusqu'à MAINTENANT !
Illustration de notre propre Jason 'Clown' Brown !
Nous lançons cette série super limitée de T-shirts originaux FRIENDS & FAMILY et YEAR OF THE CYCOS 2008 TOUR CREW NECKS !
FRIENDS & FAMILY est sorti à l'automne 1997 comme premier album après les retrouvailles du groupe. Ce t-shirt original a été produit pour soutenir le disque et n'a JAMAIS été disponible à nouveau... jusqu'à MAINTENANT !
Illustration de notre propre Jason 'Clown' Brown !
Le TOUR CREW NECK 2008 a été l'un des articles les plus vendus au cours de l'année du Cycos World Wide Tour, de retour en stock pour vous tous MAINTENANT !
Une série très limitée de ces deux joyaux est désormais disponible pour tous les fans, assurez-vous de récupérer le vôtre avant qu'ils ne disparaissent !
...Et consultez la section ONE OFF AND LIMITED car de nombreux autres articles limités ont également été publiés !
...Et consultez la section ONE OFF AND LIMITED car de nombreux autres articles limités ont également été publiés !

3 commentaires
Regina, we’re running a brand new line for girls check all details here :
No medium in the Friends and Family T???
Can we get some girls Tanks or muscle Ts in some of the other designs.?? (XL)
Thanks ?
Thx for keeping the Cyco going all these years!!!
Suicidal has kept me going during all my ups and downs of life. Been a Suicidal Cyco Army Freak for 34 YEARS now!!! Yes, 34!!! Been proudly displaying stickers, shirts, tagging, battle jacket patches(some were even homemade), & of course always bragging & blaring Suicidal Tendencies on whatever I had possible to play it on!!! To be honest, a couple bands are close but Suicidal is the ONLY band I’ve stuck with proudly & passionately beside for all these years!!! I’ve not once gave up on you or talked down upon or even let anyone even try to put Suicidal down!!!
This is a TRUE story and I’m not F*CKING with you to make it sound good! I just want to say Thank You for never giving up & giving us metalhead-punk outcasts something we could connect to!!! You probably never stopped to think about how POWERFUL the music of Suicidal Tendencies actually was & still is!!! The masterpieces has helped a lot of people that felt they couldn’t handle societies prejudiced way they had that was against all Metalhead, Punks, Hippies, Skaters, D&D Addicts, & anyone that didnt fit into the straight laced suit & tie workers that were churchaholics!!! Suicidal gave us teens then…now 45 year old something to look up to that made us feel NORMAL!!! Everyone else was the Freaks, Outcasts, Oddballs, and all the other names that described the F*CKED UP people that made all of us Suicidal Cyco Army Family feel unwanted and s disgrace to society! THANK YOU soo much for giving all of us the FUEL that lit that FIRE in all us that we needed to fight back against societies screwed up prejudice system the U.S.A.
Now look at this country…people like Suicidal Tendencies, Slayer, Testament, Misfits w/Glen Danzig(the ONLY Misfits), & so on are the bands that are in the mainstream(NOT talking about POP music either)!!! All thanks to the people of Suicidal Tendencies type of bands that never gave up and made music about what they believed in or just wanted to give society 1 Big F*UCK YOU!!! Then, laugh at them while keeping a huge smile on your face!!! It sucks that I’ve listened & passionately supported the Cyco Army for over 30 years and have NEVER been able to see a Suicidal Shiw because they gave never came close enough to go see or was so piss poor broke & couldn’t afford the tickets!!! One day before they bury me I WILL see you all play Live!!! It might make you feel all weird but dont let it cause its just a stupid bucket list thing….Seeing or meeting you Mike Muir along with the band would be s major bucket list check off! Im sure I am NOT the only person that feels like this about all your killer masterpieces that made all of us screwed up in the brain Hold Our Heads Up High & Feel Proud!!!
Sorry about the book but words doesn’t even begin how your music has helped the shitty society we always have had!!!
Please do NOT stop making masterpieces!
Once again, Thank You!!!