24 Dec 2021
2 commentaires
Joyeuses fêtes CYCO à tous nos fans, supporters et familia du monde entier !
Nous avons apprécié tout votre soutien surtout dans ces moments aussi compliqués.
Je vous souhaite tout le meilleur pour ces Noël et cette nouvelle année à venir.
Nous nous reverrons là-bas en 2022 !
2 commentaires
My first ST show was when you opened for Queensryche. The show I saw was in Cedar Rapids Iowa. You stole the show. I’ve been hooked ever since. You produce the best workout/running music! I could run through a brick wall listening to your jams. So stinking good. Im an older dude and I run half marathons. I was wondering if you would like to sponsor me and donate some sweet ST gear that I could wear when I’m out there busting it. Let me know if you can help. It would be great if you could, but I understand if you can’t. Either way. You can bring me down! Have a great 2022!
52 today , been rockin’ out with ST for almost 36 yrs . And would just like to say THANK’S for all the years of music . Keep it CYCO ………